
Growing New Hampshire's
食品、经济、 & 社区


Cornucopia Project long beans

NH食品联盟 is a statewide network that engages and connects people dedicated to growing a thriving, 公平, and sustainable local food system in the Granite State.

NH Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan

We are spearheading a strategic
plan for our food system.
And we need you to get involved!


August is NH Eats Local Month!

Partner with us for a 31 day 庆祝活动 of local food and align your business or organization with the eat local movement in the Granite State.



Head to our grant round up page to access a filterable list of grants open to farmers, 非利润, and other food system organizations


Upcoming 事件 (from our Network Partners!)
我们的土地! is an invitation to our community to join us for a weekend of knowledge exchange, grassroots organizing, 庆祝活动, 仪式和礼仪... 了解更多
Apply before August 1!
Network with other new farmers, and work closely with Extension staff as you develop your business and productions ideas. Course topics include soils ... 了解更多
Join the ReGenerative Roots Association for a cornhole fundraiser and food drive in support of their work strengthening our local food system through ... 了解更多
也可-NH's CRAFT is in its fifth season and they have an exciting plan of workshops for the year. Each program will be great opportunity to learn from ... 了解更多
via the NH Department of 健康 and Human Services
Below is an important message about summer meals in New Hampshire from the NH Department of 健康 and Human Services and the NH Department of Educati... 了解更多
7月16日 & 8月20日
Join NH Vegetable and Berry Growers Association (NHVGBA) & UNH Extension for this climate-resilience focused series. Attend one or more events to lear... 了解更多
The tools presented below represent a portion of the tools available for the climate, agriculture and forestry sectors. The tools range from specializ... 了解更多
7月6-7日+ 10月6日
Recent legislation requires those seeking to harvest, identify or distribute wild harvested mushrooms in New Hampshire to apply for and receive a lice... 了解更多
Article via the New Hampshire Bulletin
The stalemate over the current farm bill may be solidifying a new era in farm politics as it joins the last three farm bills in a trend of delays and ... 了解更多
via the NH Queer 农民 Network
Please read below an important letter from the Coordinator of the NH Queer 农民 Network, Rev. Ariel Aaronson-Eves in regards to anti-trans legislat... 了解更多